Your credit score is the number of points that will be up to 10 but than every cancellation will be reduced, and when it reaches 0 points, you will not be allowed to apply for new jobs for few weeks and your confirmed jobs at the time will be automatically cancelled.
■Credit Score penalty rules.
When you would cancel a job, your credit score will be reduced.
*If you were not using app for while, points will not be reduced.
Please see below for more details about credit score rules.
【Job Cancellation】
Please see below more information about how much your credit score reducing by cancel.
In case of No-show - No-call, your account will be locked immediately for permanently.
・Cancellation within 3 days : -1 point
・Cancellation within a days: -3 points
・Cancellation within 6 hours : -4 points
・Cancellation less than 6 hours to last minute: -5 points
・No-show - No-call: Immediate and permanent locked.
■Recovery rules.
(1) After complete work with no late, credit score will be automatically recovery by 1 point.
(2) Cancellation by company
In the Cancellation by company, we will be recover credit score.
To request credit score recovery, please contact us via inquiry form below.
After receiving your request, we will make sure to the company.
(3) When your credit score is reached to 0.
Please click here for more information about recovery rules.
■How to check your credit score
(1) Log in to the application
(2) Tap "My Page" on the bottom menu
(3) Check your points in the "Credit Score" on the Work Management.