Please see below for the Certifications available for registration at Caitech.
Please note that those certificates below who do not have will not be able to apply for jobs at Caitech.
■Certifications available for registration
・介護福祉士 (Kaigo fukushishi)
・実務者研修 (Jitsumusya kensyu)
・初任者研修 (Syoninsya kensyu)
・ヘルパー1級 (Helupa-1kyuu)
・ヘルパー2級 (Helupa-2kyuu)
・介護職員基礎研修 (Kaigosyokuinkiso kensyu)
・介護支援専門員 (Kaigoshiensenmonin)
・社会福祉士 (Syakaifukushishi)
・社会福祉主事 (Syakaifukushisyuji)
・理学療法士 (Rigakuryouhoushi)
・作業療法士 (Sagyouryouhoushi)
・言語聴覚士 (Gengotyoukakushi)
・福祉用具専門相談員 (Fukushiyougusennmonnsoudannin)
・看護師 (Kangoshi)
・准看護師 (Jun kangoshi)
■Notes that apply for a job
Please note that certificates require for each jobs are different.