This section provides information on how to cancel a job that you have already applied for.
As a general rule, cancellation of a job is prohibited,
However, in case of unavoidable circumstances, such as illness, you may cancel your job.
■Please refrain from switching your job to a different job
We define “switch” as applying for another job in the same time frame as the job you canceled.
Re-applying for a job that offers points or long hours also constitutes switching.
Canceling a job that has already been confirmed will cause significant inconvenience to the employer.
Please note that repeated cancellations for your own convenience may result in your future applications being rejected, or may make it more difficult for you to apply for new jobs.
If you need to adjust your work schedule by an hour or so, please contact the company first.
■Before canceling
If you cancel work at the last minute before start work, you may be compensation for damages.
Last minute cancellations will cause significant inconvenience to the company.
This job is important for the safe and comfortable living of our clients, including staffing at the facility.
We hope that we can create a comfortable environment with qualified professionals.
■Notes on last minute cancellations
If you cancel on the day of the job start date or the day before, please be sure to call the company by the start of the workday to notify them of your cancellation.
We may ask you to submit a screenshot of your call history showing the following 3 items for confirmation.
1. Phone number of the company you called
2. Date or day of the week
3. The time of the outgoing call
*Please call the company from your smartphone so that we can check your call history
*Please also present the time the screenshot was taken (top of the screen) without trimming
*Screenshots without the required information will not be accepted.
【How to find more details about call history】
・For iPhone (External website)
・For Android (External website)
Your account may be locked if any of the following apply
*Failure to submit call history
*When it is found that the cancellation was made only by a cancellation request
*When it is found that the cancellation was made only by a message
**Please be sure to keep your call history**
■How to apply cancellation request
If your cancellation request time is within 2 days of your work date, please be sure to call the company. If we find out that you have cancelled work by only sending a cancellation request or a message without calling to company, we have to consider about account locked.
◇Step 1: Tap "仕事管理 (Manage Tasks)" on the bottom.
◇Step 2: From the “予定(Work Schedule)" tab, tap the job to be canceled.
◇Step 3: Apply for a cancellation request, tap "キャンセル (Cancel)".
Please be sure to confirm the date and time of the job you are canceling and the name of the company.
Calling the company from the “緊急連絡先” will not cancel the job. Please make sure to select “Cancel” and submit the application.
◇Step 4: Tap “了承する(Accept)” after confirming the penalty.
Please click here for information on "Credit Score reduce for Cancellation" as stated in the Cancellation Policy.
◇Step 5: Submit a cancellation request
1. Select reason for cancellation from "キャンセル理由" options
2. Provide reason for cancellation in the "事業所担当者へのメッセージ(キャンセル理由)" section.
*Please provide a specific reason for the cancellation and a word of apology as it will be checked directly by the person in charge of the business.
3. Tap "キャンセルする (Cancel)".
*Once tapped, the cancellation cannot be undone.
【Screen for cancellations more than 2 days in advance】
【Screen for cancellations on the day of the job or the day before】
◇Step 6: Call the company to inform them of the cancellation
*This will only be displayed if the cancellation request time is within 2 days of your work start time.
Please make sure the name and phone number of the person in charge.
The “電話をする (Call)” button will connect you to the contact person's phone number (in blue).
If you cannot connect, please call the emergency number (in black).
*If the number in black is not listed, please tap the “電話をする (Call)” button to contact us.
◇Step 7: Check the box to complete the cancellation
After completing the phone call, check the box next to “担当者に電話が繋がりキャンセルの承諾を得た (The call was connected to the person in charge)"
Tap "キャンセル完了" to complete the cancellation.
■If you cannot get through after 2 or 3 calls
◇Step 1: Check the box next to “担当者に電話が繋がりキャンセルの承諾を得た"
Tap "キャンセル完了" to complete the cancellation.
◇Step 2: Contact the company by message
Please tell them that you are calling but cannot get through and have contacted them via message.
◇Step 3: Call emergency contacts
Please make sure to call them until you are connected to the company
【Procedure for confirming emergency contact information for the company】
◇Step 1: Tap "仕事管理 (Manage Tasks)" on the bottom.
◇Step 2: Tap the target job from the "キャンセル (Cancel)" tab
◇Step 3: Tap “緊急連絡先 (Emergency Contact)” in the Company Contact section
◇Step 4: Tap “緊急連絡先 (Emergency Contact)” in the Company Contact section
Tap “電話をかける” to make a call.
*If you cannot connect, please call them directly at the phone number in black letters (emergency contact number).
■About credit Score reduce for Cancellation
Credit scores will be reduced based on the timing of cancellation.
Please note that your credit score will be reduced whenever you cancel.
More than 1 day before of your work day: -1 point
The day before of your work day: -3 points
More than 1 hour before of your work start time: -6 points
Within 1 hour of your work start time: -8 points
No-show / No-call: Immediately your account locked.
If your credit score reaches 0 points, your all scheduled work will be cancelled automatically and will not apply any job for temporally.